Fear Not
Would you rather hear “Fear Not” or “Be Strong and Courageous”?
Fear comes in many guises: nervousness, anxiety, uneasiness, apprehension, distress, being scared.
Most of the time, these are indications of the spirit of fear – something that does not come from God, but is prevalent in the world and in our physical nature.
This spirit can be difficult to recognize unless you have experienced peace, security, love, contentment, kindness or shalom. Just as dark and light are contrasts, each helping to recognize and define the other, fear and peace show us, experientially, what they are.
God does not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love and a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
God’s spirit, the Holy Spirit, lives inside each of us believers, ever ready to guide, counsel, teach us what we need to learn to become more like Christ. God’s spirit in us helps us be loving in the midst of pain and sorrow, be giving in times of crisis and lack, and urges us to build the Kingdom where ever and when ever we find ourselves. He knows exactly what to do, even when we don’t have a clue. It is Spirit in us giving us strength to rise again, courage to face the obstacle and turn it into a stepping stone. God is with us, every moment.
Listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnHu9dwmGlU
When we are beset by the Spirit of fear, we have mighty weapons at hand, in fact, alive and loaded within us. We need to remember to ask for help from the One who has already conquered the grave and won the battle - God himself has placed the Holy Spirit in us, for He knows how weak we are by ourselves.
For every doubt, nervousness, anxious thought, call out “Jesus, help me”, “Holy Spirit, show me”, or “God, protect me.” Any one of these will begin the work God wants to do in us, to trust Him more, follow His leading, build up our faith so we, like Jesus, can do His will and become the child of God He has made us to be. With His mighty right arm, He will shield us. Under His wing, we are safe and secure.
God makes a path for us to move into His light, His kingdom, His reign. We can not give up, but rather grasp tighter onto what we know. He loves us more than we know. His ways are bigger, higher, more perfect than anything we can conceive. He wants only the best for us, not just good enough, but the very best.
Look at any current thing that worries you, frightens you, makes you anxious, then write down on a piece of paper, this date and the details that worry you or trouble you. Hold that written paper and confess that Jesus is Lord over all of your life and this thing has no part of His plan for you. Tuck that written note, into your Bible (or other safe place) at Isaiah 41:10. Take a deep breath, know God has already taken care of it.
You can do this process for anything that life seems to throw at you.
After a week or two, it’s OK to take a look at your note. If the worry is totally gone, or resolved, write what has changed and how. If there is no change yet, replace the paper, reaffirming that God has it all in hand. You will come to see that fears, worries, anxieties based on the world around you are
False Evidence Appearing Real – FEAR which is not from God. God gives us a Spirit of power, of love and a sound mind. Your resolved notes will be evidence of God at work on your behalf, protecting, guiding, teaching, rescuing you (and your loved ones) regardless of how things may appear.
During this season of Covid 19, there are miraculous stories being shared of how people get food or money when they did not know how it was coming. There are weddings and babies happening; some are opening new small businesses or finding new market/delivery systems for what was before. God is making changes in the world around us, causing us to look for Him and share our stories.
1 What story/ies do you have of God’s provision from this past month?
2 Who have you told that story to, or who will you share it with?
3 What scripture comes to your mind to cancel out worry or nervousness? Can you memorize one other one?=
Prayer Points:
Pray that Holy Spirit in each of us leads us into God’s will for us, our families, our community, nation and world.
Pray for all in authority to hear and obey God’s wisdom and guidance for decisions at this time.
Pray that our lives reflect better and better the Holy Spirit in us, that God’s sovereignty shines over all that is.
Here is song to send doubts packing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4XWfwLHeLM
It’s Ok to sing along, dance and be filled with the Joy He brings.
Something to think on:
Fear knocked at the door.
Faith answered.
No one was there.
May you have a week where every moment is filled with God’s peace and strength for you. May you remember to call on Him, day or night, for He is faithful.